Badging Services

The Airport Badge Office is responsible for the issuance of all airport identification badges to employees and/or tenants that have an operational need to access the airport. The badge office is co-located with the Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Department Office on the first floor of the terminal building.

Badging Office

Tuesday – Friday, 7:00am – 5:00pm

Closed in observance of all Federal Holidays

Phone: (269) 447-4424


Applicants for new badges and badge renewals must present acceptable forms of identification or documentation when applying for and each time they renew an airport ID Badge (these must be originals, no copies). TSA requires that the documents satisfy the requirements found in the link to the right.

Applicant Information

  1. Complete the Applicant Information Section of “New Badge Application Form”. General information may be completed electronically; however, no electronic signatures are permitted.
  2. Applicant presents the New Badge Application to their designated Authorized Signatory to complete the Authorized Signatory Section. Again, no electronic signatures are permitted. If electronic signatures are presented at the badge office, the request will be denied and appointment rescheduled. 
  3. 1st Appointment
    1. You must bring the following to your first appointment:
      1. “New Badge Application Form” completed and signed by both the applicant and their authorized signatory.
      2. Two original identification documents
    2. AOA Badge Applicants:
      1. If you are applying to gain access to a hangar not leased in your name, the tenant must complete a new “Exhibit A” and submit to administration prior to your badge issue date.
    3. New SIDA/Secured or Sterile Area Badges
      1. This level of access requires a fingerprint based Criminal History Records Check. Fingerprinting will be completed at your first badge appointment.
  4. Enrollment & Training
    1. When an applicant has passed the applicable security checks, they will be issued credentials to log on to a virtual Interactive Employee Training & Learning Suite (IET-LS) to complete assigned training. This training is cloud based and accessed remotely and must be complete prior to scheduling the final badge appointment.
      1. NOTE *Training is variable and specific to certain badge holders. Contact the badge office for details regarding your organization’s required training program.
      2. If the virtual training session is failed, applicants will be permitted to repeat the training after 24 hours.
  5. 2nd Appointment
    1. Final training conducted as applicable
    2. Applicant is issued badge
  1. You will receive notification prior to your badge expiration; however, you are ultimately responsible to know when your badge expires and to schedule a renewal appointment. With no exceptions, expired badges are not granted extension periods.
  2. Complete the Applicant Information Section of the “Badge Renewal Application” and have your authorized signatory recertify your need for the badge.
  3. Renewal training may be required, check with the badge office when scheduling your appointment for details.

Time Frame

Generally speaking, the following time frames may be anticipated for new badges:

  • Fingerprint results: 1-2 business days
  • TSA Approval: 2 days to 2 weeks (TSA estimates)
  • Final approval of application: within 2 business days of receipt of TSA Approval.
  • Applicant notification: within 2 business days of the time the application receives final approval.
Image of Push-Pins in a calendar.

Badge/Service Fees

SIDA (Security Identification Display Area)/Sterile $65.00
SIDA Driver $80.00
AOA (Air Operations Area) $35.00
AOA/Driver $50.00
SIDA/Sterile $65.00
SIDA/AOA Driver $80.00
AOA $35.00
AOA/Driver $50.00
SIDA/Sterile $25.00
AOA $15.00
1st Occurrence $150.00
2nd Occurrence $250.00

Badge Replacements

If a badge is lost, stolen or destroyed to a point where it can’t be used, contact the Security Office. Any charges incurred must be paid at the time a new badge is issued. Individuals should notify the Security Office immediately if your ID Badge is lost or stolen. The Badge holder is responsible for the badge replacement fee at the time of issuance. Payment can be made by cash or check (payable to Kalamazoo County Treasurer). NOTE: There is no charge for worn out/destroyed badges if exchanged.

Expiring Badges

Anyone no longer needing a badge or deciding to allow their badge to expire without renewal must return the badge to Airport Administration.  Individuals with badges that are not renewed for 6 months after expiration will be removed from the records and the paperwork will be destroyed. If one of these individuals applies for airport access and has never returned the previous badge, the cost for the new badge will be the current cost for a lost badge replacement.

Movement Area Driver Class Times By Appointment

Driving classes (when applicable) will be held after required video training is completed and will take around 1-3 hours. This includes airport familiarization, oral review of movement area access procedures, practical driver training, and practical test..