AZO’s Sponsorship Program

The Kalamazoo/Battle Creek Airport proudly participates in many sponsorship opportunities. Please note that the Airport is no longer accepting sponsorship requests for events to be held in 2025 as the budget is already allocated.

In order to gauge eligibility to receive the sponsorship support of the Airport, please complete the form below and return it by mail or email the address identified below. The Airport is accepting requests for consideration for the 2026 budget year, which begins January 1, 2026.

Photo of two hands covering up the sun.

Sponsorship Objectives

The Airport will only consider requests that promote the airport. All sponsorships are subject to governing federal law and the Federal Aviation Administration’s Policy and Procedures concerning the Use of Airport Revenue, found at 64 Fed. Reg. 7696 (February 16, 1999). As a sponsor, AZO requires the audience not only to know that we are a sponsor, but also to learn about the airport and its services. We prefer to participate in sponsorships that include media or speaking/video presentation opportunities. We therefore require ample time and space to deliver a strategic message, and, at a minimum, have our logo accompanied by a specific graphic or link to our website.

Sponsorship Elements

Media value: TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, and social media
Promotional elements: direct marketing, program ads, signs, display booths, collateral material
Hospitality elements: tickets/tables to events, meals, etc.

Requests may be submitted in writing to:
AZO Airport Sponsorship
Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport
3235 Portage Rd.
Kalamazoo, MI 49002

Ticket Donations

The Airport does not have the ability to give tickets to fundraising efforts as those are distributed by the individual airlines. In support of local community efforts, The Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport is pleased to provide information to charitable organizations to obtain complimentary airline tickets. To submit a request, please contact each airline directly via the links below. Every airline has a different process for airfare requests and provides detailed guidelines and procedures for how best to proceed.