FAA Identifier AZO
Latitude 42-14-03.80000N (estimated)
Longitude 85-33-05.6000W
Elevation 873.9 FT
Time Zone Eastern
UTC -5 (-4 during Daylight Savings time)
Address 5235 Portage Road, Portage, MI 49002

Airfield Conditions Report And Airport Ops Information


Type of Aircraft Fee
Below 8,000 lbs. MLW Exempt
8,000 lbs. – 12,499 lbs. MLW $60.00
12,500 lbs. – 24,999 lbs. MLW $100.00
25,000 lbs. – 54,999 lbs. MLW $150.00
55,000 lbs. – 89,999 lbs. MLW $200.00
90,000 lbs. – 129,999 lbs. MLW


Aircraft greater than or equal to 130,000 lbs. MLW = $2.30 per 1,000 lbs. MLW (rounded to nearest 1,000)

Vector Airport Systems handles the billing and payments for the landing fee program on behalf of the airport.

Contact Vector: For payment or billing inquiries, Vector can be reached at 888-588-0028 (Option 1) or by email at billing@vector-us.com.


AZO Ground 121.9
AZO Tower 118.3
AZO Approach/Departure 121.2
Clearance Delivery 127.75 MHz
WX ASOS 269-459-3391

RWY 17

RWY 35

Length 6502 6502
Width 150 150
Surface Asphalt Asphalt
Runway Edge Lighting HIRL HIRL
Approach Lighting REIL, PAPI PAPI, MALSR
Approaches GPS/VOR/Localizer GPS/VOR/NDP


RWY 23

Length 3438 3438
Width 100 100
Surface Asphalt Asphalt
Runway Edge Lighting MIRL MIRL
Approach Lighting PAPI, REIL VASI, REIL
Approaches GPS/VOR GPS/VOR


RWY 27

Length 2800 2800
Width 60 60
Surface Asphalt Asphalt
Runway Edge Lighting MIRL MIRL
Approach Lighting None None